GMALL Presents – A Place on the Nation’s Stage: Commemorating the Founding of Vermont

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) welcomes local historians Jonak Spivak and Shawn Harrington to talk about commemorating the founding of Vermont. The 250th anniversaries are coming! From 1775 through 1777, a revolutionary fervor gripped this region which saw the creation of the Republic of Vermont, and played a pivotal role in removing British control […]


GMALL Presents – Oral History: An Introduction

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) is excited to partner with Vermont Folklife to present this workshop on developing your own oral history project. Do you have an interview project in mind but don’t quite know where to begin or how to proceed? Led by Vermont Folklife Director of Education & Media, Mary Wesley, […]


GMALL Presents: Stories from Vermont Folklife’s Archive – A Listening Party

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) is excited to partner with Vermont Folklife and the Manchester Historical Society to present a community listening party. Listening Parties invite you, your friends, and neighbors to come together and listen deeply to the sounds of everyday life in Vermont – voices, music and the world around us […]


GMALL Presents – A Mountain of Treasure: The Story of the Equinox Preserve

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) welcomes Shawn Harrington of the Manchester Historical Society to talk about the history of the Equinox Preserve. Mount Equinox (3,816 feet) is part of the northernmost sweep of the Taconic Mountains and is considered one of the most important natural areas in the state. Part of the largest […]


GMALL Presents – A Mountain of Treasure: The Story of the Equinox Preserve

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) welcomes Shawn Harrington of the Manchester Historical Society to talk about the history of the Equinox Preserve. Mount Equinox (3,816 feet) is part of the northernmost sweep of the Taconic Mountains and is considered one of the most important natural areas in the state. Part of the largest […]


GMALL Presents – Where Folk Art and Modern Meet

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) welcomes Jamie Franklin, curator at the Bennington Museum, to talk about the convergence of folk and modern art. This presentation, originally created in conjunction with the 2014 Bennington Museum exhibition Alice Neel/Erastus Salisbury Field: Painting the People (named one of the nine most memorable exhibitions in North America […]


AFSP International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is an event in which survivors of suicide loss come together to find connection, understanding, and hope through their shared experience. Non-Loss Survivors may also register to attend. BBA's Yellow Tulip Club looks forward to hosting you for a meaningful morning of healing and hope! Feel free to arrive […]


GMALL Presents – Burr and Burton: From Burr Seminary to Burr and Burton Academy

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) is excited to partner with the Manchester Historical Society to present this talk about the history of Burr and Burton Academy. This talk will be available both in person and online via Zoom. Join us for a look back at the history of this storied Manchester institution, from […]


GMALL Presents – The Ukraine War: Why Does It Matter to You?

Burr and Burton Academy, Bell Tower Room at Founders Hall 61 Seminary Ave, Manchester, Vermont

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning (GMALL) is honored to welcome Chairman and CEO of the Tällberg Foundation, Alan Stoga, to talk about the war in Ukraine. What is this war really about and what does it mean to us as Americans? Are we only dealing with Russia’s ambition to recapture what was lost when […]


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