Instructor: Robert J. O’Brien
Dates: Saturday, May 8 and Sunday, May 9, 2021
Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Cost: SVAC Member: $99; Non-Member: $125
Ages: 14+
Award-winning watercolorist Robert O’Brien AWS, NWS welcomes students to his virtual studio. Open to all levels. This is a two-morning online workshop through Zoom. Ages 14 – Adult. Limited scholarships available. To register by email or phone please contact Erin Kaufman at or 802.362.1306.
Students will learn basic floral painting techniques, with an emphasis on values and composition. Layering and blending color into soft edges will also be taught. The course will focus on painting from close-up photo references of flowers in an artistic setting–with spectacular results. A critique and class discussion will be held at the end of the session.
Prior to the workshop, Robert will email students the image that he will be using for demonstration. A materials list is below.
Block of good quality Watercolor Paper, I recommend Arches 140 lb. cold pressed, recommended sizes: 9 x 12in, 10 x 14in, 11 x 14in or 12 x 16in
Brushes: I recommend a blend or natural bristle brush. There are however, some good quality synthetic brushes such as the Holbein Gold and the Escoda Versatil series.
# 6 round
# 8 round
# 10 round
# 12 round
1 inch flat
½ or ¼ in. flat (optional but recommended)
1 ½ in. flat
Paints: (some suggested colors, Winsor & Newton or any Professional Artists Grade paint – * colors I use more frequently)
Cadmium Red and/or Scarlet Lake
Quinacridone Rose *
Quinacridone Violet
Green Gold
Shadow Green (Holbein) or Perylene Green *
Sap Green *
French Ultramarine Blue *
Indanthrene Blue *
Manganese Blue or Cerulean Blue (M.Graham) *
Cobalt Blue
Cadmium Yellow
New Gamboge *
Lemon Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Naples Yellow
Brilliant Orange (Holbein) *
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Sepia *
Neutral Tint *
Dioxazine Purple *
Palette – 12”x16” – John Pike or any other brand w/ cover and a large mixing area
Other suggested items; sketchbook, a gray scale value chart, spray bottle, water container, paper towels or sponge, hairdryer, an H pencil, erasure, ruler, masking fluid.
For more about Robert O’Brien, visit his website: