Kat Wright & Brett Hughes, two of Vermont’s most beloved songbirds, join forces once again for their 9th annual VT holiday tour. The show – a true Christmas gift (featuring Tyler Bolles on upright bass) offers songs of holiday heartbreak & holiday cheer – bejeweled with storytelling, originals, and beloved classics alike. It’s guaranteed to warm your heart, peak your nostalgia and create a loving container for those good ole’ holiday blues that we all know so well. If a holiday is an opportunity to journey within – Kat & Brett are the perfect lighthearted guides, and have cultivated a show that ushers in the yuletide season and has become a tradition not to be missed for their growing audiences. Showcasing what each are known far & wide for – soaring harmonies, intimate tender moments, brilliant songwriting & arranging, & expert showmanship, it’s easy to see how for almost a decade the Kat & Brett Holiday Fête has had audiences singing along, throwing their heads back in knowing laughter and of course wiping away a sentimental tear or two.